Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Today i din't go school. because feel like going school wasting time only, rather choose to study at home that school. hehe.. So today shir come over my house to study. Yup! we start study now. *unbelievable* haha.. After study 1 chapter of chemistry, then shir help me to download photoscape. It is all about editor of picture, what de so happy me. Cos i found that very long, i really hope to have 1 this kind of editing picture. I really LOVE to edit picture!! hahaha.. Thanks so much to shir. ^^ Then we start to know everthing, try with de first picture. Result>>

Edit by me and shir.

Then de second picture. Shir created my picture when i went bathe.

Edit by shir. Hard to believe rite? So childish, just can't believe that she edit that. haha..

Third picture is i suggest that, shir creat my picture, then i creat her picture lo.

Edit by wei. Nice nice? i love it. *sexy shir in de school* hahaha..



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