Saturday, 31 October. Subang was raining, road is slippery *Walao! report meh!, back to normal. XD * And i was actually in a rushing back home. @.@ After dropping han to bus stop. I wanna cut the other line so that i no need to go long way *OMG! lazy me*. Well, i braked at the lain was waiting the other car to go. All of so sudden. *BANG* Impact on my car is so strong. Yup, the car bang me. I was shocked.
First i thought i am wrong. And my sisters told me settle down on the spot. I was trying to chill myself, not to panic. As i know panic cannot settle thing yet i still look like a little girl easy get bully. That is hard for me to be strong to be fierce when i already get shocked. Never expects my baby ran toward me. Worrying face. and i was like omg! i am so hope that he will be beside me when i am in trouble. And he came! That make me not so worry, since i know my baby will protect me =)
Well, thing is hard to settle. Baby trying to protect almost got worst argument with stupid taxi driver. I gave RM100 for taxi driver (who is actually the wrong one) Ok fine, now left waja, taxi driver bang also one also. Come claim from me, so stupid. Luckily that time my brother and sisters came already.
So they don't want settle by money, go report then. Under my name T.T Deduct my marks then, policeman is fierce!! I hate it, he almost make me cry! ish!! Well, today went again to take my saman. But end up, i didn't get. I am so lucky as baby said^^
Hmm, this is my very first time. A first time with baby there with friends there and family to help me. It so nice that got lot people trying to protect me and help me. ^^
Baby, sorry to make you worry. I will be more careful next time. hehe.. As you said, so-called guy above like to play us. XD We are participating 'his' game. So we gonna enjoy it. haha.. This all mission make me feel that we are truly love each other. We are so match after all. No doubt. =)
Thanks god that eric and xin is fine. No hurts. If not i don't know how i am gonna accept it. Thanks god =)
Han, not to worry yea. Don't blame yourself as well. This is an accident. We can't predict at all. Thanks informing baby to come when you know i need =)
God bless~
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